Rehab for Powerlifting


Good Reps Physical Therapy understands the demands of powerlifting. We work with you and your coach to develop an holistic approach to increasing your total or rehabbing an injury. Good Reps can provide the tools and resources needed to reach your goals.

Here are some of the ways that physical therapy can enhance powerlifting performance:

  • Improving range of motion (ROM): Powerlifting requires a full range of motion in the hips, knees, ankles, and shoulders. We can help address the deficiencies to acquire the full range of motion required for the sport.

  • Strengthening key muscle groups: Powerlifting requires a strong core, posterior chain, and upper body. We will work with your coach to develop a personalized warm up and accessories program to target found deficiencies. By strengthening these muscle groups, powerlifters can improve their overall strength and power.

  • Reducing pain and injury risk: Powerlifting can be a physically demanding sport, and injuries are common. Physical therapists can help identify any programming and lifestyle areas that may lead to injuries.